Three amazingly SIMPLE (and almost free) ways to have a healthier mouth/teeth/gums (without toothpaste, mouthwash or professional teeth cleaning)
In case you aren't aware, all toothpastes have ingredients that are not good for our health. Not only are they bad for you and your teeth, but they are also expensive. By using CHEAP Hydrogen Peroxide (3% USP, from any drug store, very inexpensive), you will not need to buy toothpaste in the future. nor will you need a mouthwash or professional teeth cleaning.
Instead of toothpaste, and after years of experience with this, we recommend using hydrogen peroxide as follows (If used daily, this will literally clean your teeth so well that you won’t need to have your teeth cleaned ever again):
Dilute your hydrogen peroxide 50/50 with purified or preferably distilled water. Take a small swig of this solution and swish it around in your mouth for about a minute. It will dissolve plaque in places you can’t reach with a toothbrush OR floss. Keeping it in your mouth, take a soft toothbrush and gently brush your teeth for another minute, then rinse it all out (using purified water - we recommend distilled or Alexa-Pure Treated water - you might consider keeping a 'jug' or water bottle full of distilled water in your bathroom for mouth rinsing - we never put tap water into our mouths).
Your teeth will feel cleaner than they ever have before. We have been to dentists over the past 10 years for various dental procedures, but not one dentist has mentioned that we needed a cleaning.
(Note: Hydrogen Peroxide can also be used to unclog ears - Be safe by doing your own research for the proper method, but it can definitely save you from having to see a doctor to have excess wax removed, etc.)
DISCLAIMER - Depending upon your eating habits, especially sweets, and your 'brushing' habits, you could still develop cavities or tooth infections, and we certainly recommend going to a dentist for any of these things.
If you are having cold sores or other problems inside your mouth, like swelling or possible infections, there are two products you can PURCHASE that will help.
1) Dr. Tichenor's Mouthwash (which is much more than just a mouthwash, and we use it ONLY when we have a mouth problem - with the hydrogen Peroxide, no mouthwash is needed on a regular basis). A bottle of Dr. T's could last you a year or more, so it's a great investment.
Dilute it 50-50 in a spray bottle with some water and spray it directly on the affected area (or spray it onto a cotton ball) and allow it to remain in direct contact with the sore area for 1 minute. You will experience a little burning, but keep holding it there. After 1 minute, rinse the area thoroughly (don't swallow it) and then give it some time to heal (perhaps overnight or for a whole day). If the sore persists after that, repeat this procedure one more time, and then allow it to heal. Generally just two applications is all that is needed, and you will notice rapid healing almost immediately.
Dr. T''s can also be used on other sores or blisters, particularly those resulting from Shingles, etc., using the same procedure.
NOTE: Never use Dr. Tichenor's full strength or you will burn the area and make things much worse.
2) Eucalyptus Essential Oil (which has many other uses). For any irritations or problems inside your mouth, put one drop of it onto a clean finger and place/rub it directly on the affected area. Allow it to remain in your mouth for at least a minute before rinsing it out. Eucalyptus will destroy the bacteria that may be causing the problem/infection. Do this every day, once or twice, until the area heals (which generally takes only a day or two).
(Use one or the other of these methods, but not both at the same time, however you can use either of these directly after 'brushing' with the Hydrogen Peroxide and rinsing your mouth before using the Dr. T's or Essential Oil.)
1) Dr. Tichenor's Mouthwash (which is much more than just a mouthwash, and we use it ONLY when we have a mouth problem - with the hydrogen Peroxide, no mouthwash is needed on a regular basis). A bottle of Dr. T's could last you a year or more, so it's a great investment.
Dilute it 50-50 in a spray bottle with some water and spray it directly on the affected area (or spray it onto a cotton ball) and allow it to remain in direct contact with the sore area for 1 minute. You will experience a little burning, but keep holding it there. After 1 minute, rinse the area thoroughly (don't swallow it) and then give it some time to heal (perhaps overnight or for a whole day). If the sore persists after that, repeat this procedure one more time, and then allow it to heal. Generally just two applications is all that is needed, and you will notice rapid healing almost immediately.
Dr. T''s can also be used on other sores or blisters, particularly those resulting from Shingles, etc., using the same procedure.
NOTE: Never use Dr. Tichenor's full strength or you will burn the area and make things much worse.
2) Eucalyptus Essential Oil (which has many other uses). For any irritations or problems inside your mouth, put one drop of it onto a clean finger and place/rub it directly on the affected area. Allow it to remain in your mouth for at least a minute before rinsing it out. Eucalyptus will destroy the bacteria that may be causing the problem/infection. Do this every day, once or twice, until the area heals (which generally takes only a day or two).
(Use one or the other of these methods, but not both at the same time, however you can use either of these directly after 'brushing' with the Hydrogen Peroxide and rinsing your mouth before using the Dr. T's or Essential Oil.)